About us News Nottingham Counselling Service - Charity Calendar Project for 2025 An exciting opportunity! get involved with a creative piece of work to co produce a calendar, to help promote mental wellbeing and NCS. Open to all clients, staff, volunteers, students on placement, trustees or anyone who uses the building at NCS. Do you have a photograph that you have taken, or a piece of poetry that you have written that is in any way linked to your experience of therapy/mental health? Pieces should reflect your experience of mental health, recovery and wellbeing. We would like to invite you to submit up to three photographs and or two poems for consideration. Please give the images/poems a title, if you would like to. Pieces can be anonymous or can include you name if you would like this. Please bear in mind that the calendar could be distributed widely by those who purchase them. The closing date for submissions will be the 10th of October, World Mental Health Day. Photographs should ideally be taken by you and should not include recognizable people. Again, any poetry needs to be your own. Images or poems produced by other people can be submitted, if they fall outside of copyright, i.e 70 years following the death of the artist. If there is any doubt, we will not be able to use any such image/poetry. By submitting these creative pieces, you are giving NCS permission to use these in the creation of the calendar. The judges decision is final, when considering the inclusion or exclusion of images or poetry. Submissions should be made electronically, as attachments to emails to; [email protected] We will not be able to return photographs or poems that have been submitted. Depending on response, obviously, not all submissions will be used. Would you like to be a member of the panel of up to four judges to consider the submissions? Ideally we would like at least two people who have used the services at NCS If you do please contact Adriane on the above email address. Judges will be appointed to the first four people to apply. Manage Cookie Preferences