Support us

No one’s access to support should be limited by circumstance or background.

Mental wellbeing is essential to all of us, and when times get tough, we need to know we can get the support we need. In this time of Mental Health Crisis, we need your support more than ever. We receive no funding for our core service which provides a support safety net where local services just aren't making enough difference. But you can make the change in your community by supporting us.

Your donation will make affordable, inclusive, and high-quality counselling possible for those most vulnerable in our community. Our commitment to diversity and accessibility makes us one of the most successful counselling services in Nottingham, your investment into the community will ensure that that the mental health statistics we see every day do not go ignored.

We receive no government funding. Every donation, no matter the size helps Nottingham Counselling Service fund: affordable long-term counselling which is open to all regardless of background or circumstances. Together we can give vulnerable adults the listening ear they need. Support the Nottingham Counselling Service to support 40 years of serving the community and changing lives through meaningful therapy.

A one-off £15 donation could support someone on low or no income.

A £60 donation could pay for a counsellor's supervision, ensuring that service users are given the best service possible

Any continued donation would make a huge difference to our day to day running, allowing us to be more accessible to those who need our service most.

If you are a current NCS client and want to pay for your sessions online, please click here to make the payment.